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46 Years since the “Small Step”

July 20 1969 – “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” It’s been already 46 years since “the Eagle has landed” on Tranquility base. This huge success was the combination of more than 10 years of effort on the Mercury and Gemini programs, that made this giant leap possible. So let’s…

Remembering the Space Shuttle

It’s been exactly 4 years since the last launch of the last Space Shuttle, namely Atlantis with the flight number STS-135, marking the 135th overall flight of a Space Shuttle. So, it’s almost half a decade without the Space Shuttle and it’s already 34 years since the launch of the Shuttle Program. The recent launches of commercial…

The 3 Referenda

Yes, referenda 😛 Admittedly, it took me a Google search to get the actual plural of referendum, as I myself thought it would be ‘referendi‘ 😛 Having said that, this article is just a sum up of my thoughts, on the 3 recent referenda. Starting from the Crimean referendum, on March, a trend seemed to…

The West, Ukraine and the Crimean Referendum

President Putin proved us all wrong. Again! No one seemed to be able to deduce why Putin placed Russian troops in Crimea, while having no wish of getting involved in an ultimatum. While the situation slowly advances until Sunday, when the referendum for the independence of Crimea will take place, I would like to present…

How far can the situation in Ukraine go? Thoughts and Concerns

The situation in Ukraine seems to be pretty harsh at the moment. People are afraid of a civil war and Russia has placed troops in the country. However, this situation is much more than an “Ukrainian Spring”, like the ones in Libya, Syria and Egypt. Here the international effect of the situation is directly recognisable….

Biology trip to Spain!

The Biology field trip was a trip that our school did between the 13th and the 18th of October 2013. The purpose was to learn new things about ecology and to show this knowledge into 2 lab reports. These days involved a lot of work but they were enjoyable. We climbed a mountain, walked into…


CountdownCenter is a widget that does a live countdown for a given date… CountdownCenter is a widget that does a live countdown for a given date, which can be set by the user in the Settings application. This was an app that I made and my first one to be out for the genral public. This widget…

Arabic to Latin Numerals Converter

Arabic to Latin Number Converter Η δημιουργία αυτού του προγράμματος ξεκίνησε το Φεβρουάριο του 2012 όταν είχα δημιουργήσει τις πρώτες εκδόσεις του Latin to Arabic Number Converter, καθώς η ενασχόληση μου με αυτό το project με παρακίνησε στο να θέλω να εμβαθύνω ακόμα περισσότερο στη λογική των Λατινικών αριθμών. Ύστερα από πολύωρη και συνεχή εργασία το…

Latin to Arabic Numerals Converter

Latin to Arabic Converter Αυτό το πρόγραμμα που μετατρέπει τους Λατινικούς αριθμούς σε Αραβικούς ξεκίνησε ως μία πρόκληση την οποία ανέλαβα το Δεκέμβριο του 2011. Μέσα σε έναν μήνα, έφτιαξα την πρώτη του έκδοση η οποία ενώ μετέτρεπε τους αριθμούς, δεν μπορούσε να καταλάβει αν οι Λατινικοί αριθμοί που του είχαν δοθεί ήταν έγκυροι ή…